Hex Quest Privacy Policy

I try to gather and share as little information as possible. However some information is gathered by the services that I use, as listed below.

  1. If you sign in to Google Play Games services, then game information (such as unlocks and high scores) will be uploaded to the Google drive account associated with your Google Play Games account. This folder is hidden, but can be deleted by going to your google drive settings and clicking on Manage Apps.
  2. Data is gathered when you make an in app purchase. This data includes location and billing information. This data is gathered by the Google Play Store app. Google’s privacy policy can be found here: https://policies.google.com/privacy
  3. Unity (the program Hex Quest is made with) gathers device information, such as operating system, graphics hardware, and country location. Unity’s privacy policy can be found here: https://unity3d.com/legal/privacy-policy 

If you have any additional questions about Hex Quest and/or how it handles your information please send me an email at GamerGav92@gmail.com 

Updated August 4th 2022